Ready for Occupancy

Ready for Occupancy

Knoxville Sentinel – …The jail cost the county about $8,000. It is a three story structure, equipped with steel cages, modern systems of locks, peep holes, sanitary appliances, etc. There is little danger of a jail delivery here in this new…  Read More

Sullivan's New Jail Ready for Occupancy - The new jail, just built for Sullivan County, has been completed and is now ready for occupancy. The last payment has been made on the structure, which is one of the most complete jails of all the counties of upper East Tennessee with the exceptions of the jails ay Knoxville and Chattanooga, that at Knoxville being the best. The jail cost the county about $8,000. It is a three story structure, and is equipped with steel cages, modern systems of locks, peep holes, sanitary appliances, etc. There is little danger of a jail delivery here in this new bastille.