Unsanitary Condition and Odor at Jail

Court Will Get Petition

117 Blountville and area residents have signed a petition concerning the unsanitary conditions and the odor from a disposal field behind the jail in Blountville. The petition will be presented to the current Session of the Quarterly Court of Sullivan County, and reads as follows:


We, the undersigned citizens and residents of Sullivan County, respectfully call to the attention of the Court that there has existed for a long time an unpleasant and perhaps unsanitary condition in the immediate vicinity of the courthouse and jail. The odor which apparently comes from a disposal field behind the courthouse and jail is extremely unpleasant and always present in and around the jail. In addition to the fact that people having business at the jail must endure this stench, it would seem to be an unreasonable imposition upon the sheriff’s officers and prisoners. We therefore urgently request that the Court take proper steps to investigate and remove the cause of this situation,”