Sullivan’s New Jail Under Construction

Sullivan’s New Jail Under Construction

Sullivan County’s New Jail

Modern Structure Now in Course of Erection at Blountville, Sullivan’s Capital.

Correspondence of the Sentinel

Blountville, Tenn., July 26. – The accompanying picture gives a perspective view of the county jail now in the course of construction at this place. The building is to be thirty-three feet eight and one-half inches by thirty-nine feet seven and one-half inches. It will be a two-story building. with basement built of hard brick. fire-proof and covered with slate. The basement is an eight-foot story; first and second stories ten feet each. The first and second floors and ceiling are to be concreted on fire-proof steel I-beams and corrugated arches. There will be four steel cells and a corridor; three minor cells, all of iron, and one hospital cell with bath room. Also a bath room for prisoners. The dimensions of the four steel cells are six and one-half by eight feet each, with ceiling seven feet high: the corridor will be six feet wide and thirteen feet long. The building is to be heated by hot air registers in all the rooms, heating apparatus to be placed in the basement.

The contract price for the jail is $7,800. It was let to a jail building company, of St. Louis, Mo., and is to be finished by September 1.

The picture of the new jail is presented through the courtesy of L.J. Bardet, photographer.