Action Deferred on Jail Issue

Sullivan County’s Jail Problem

With the advent of cold weather many of the citizens of this fair city and surrounding country have taken advantage of potent spirits to keep the interior warm. Such was the fact demonstrated by the local police court docket this morning. A total of $323.50 has been assessed in fines yesterday and today. with most of the fines on charges of intoxication. Out of a total of 15 fines imposed, 12 were for either driving while drunk, possessing intoxicants, or transporting liquor. Aside from those lodged in the local jail by city officers, 1 county officers donated several charges for one night stays. However, most of the county charges were taken to Blountville. It is reported that at one time, during the past weekend, 25 men and women were lodged in the hoosegow. Someone wise-cracked that police headquarters should have hung out a sign reading, “Standing Room Only.”