Sullivan County Turns Eyes Toward Blountville

Sullivan County Turns Eyes Toward Blountville

Wednesday will be a special day for Sullivan County

That’s the day officials have chosen for dedication of the new jail – a jail which will replace the crumbling ruins from which prisoners have fled too easily and too often in the past.

The very fact that the new jail is costing the taxpayers some $200,000 should be reason enough for the public to turn out in huge numbers for Wednesday’s event.

However, the new jail means much more than just an outlay of cash.

It means security for the people of the county. It means they will not be plagued by the thought of mass escapes, of criminals, some docile, some dangerous, on the loose. It means they will no longer be embarrassed when the subject of jails is mentioned.

Wednesday, then, should be a day on which as many folks as possible in Sullivan County drive to Blountville and inspect the building which they have constructed.

The modern jail is part of the new era of law enforcement in Sullivan County. Everyone can take pride in the knowledge that, after too many years, we finally have – in the space of a year – “caught up” with the times.