Can’t Talk Ourselves Out of this Disgraceful Situation

People’s Column

The Sullivan County Jail

Editor Herald Courier:

We hear much discussion about a very important subject, our county jail, but very little is being done about the matter. We cannot talk ourselves out of such a disgraceful situation as exists at our county seat. This famous, much publicized jail has a room about 12 by 18 feet to take care of from 60 to 70 prisoners. It contains one old toilet too old and dilapidated to be repaired. No bed nor bunks just the floor to sleep on, a breeding place for all sorts of germs and diseases, no hot water. In other words, the place where we keep our prisoners is a disgrace to the county and state.

We have spent much money on our “Health Center” on the hill just above, trying to improve the health conditions in our county, and yet, just below, in our jail we have conditions that breed disease and human beings are kept by our county in a place not fit to raise hogs or cattle.

The prisoners kept in this jail are so crowded and the sanitary conditions are so bad they are now fighting each other like wild animals, breaking jawbones, etc.

I believe you will agree with me when I say there is not a farmer in this county who would put sixty hogs in a space the size of the jail and expect them to live. There will be an election in the spring of members of the county court, but several men may be killed before then if conditions are not changed.

If the people of this county will mail me a postal card asking for a new jail and a change in conditions, I know how we can get it, regardless of whether the county court wants it or not.

Yours very sincerely,


Bristol, Tennessee