Jail a Disgrace to the County. Motion to Replace it Fails.

Motion For New Jail At Blountville Fails

Twenty-one magistrates voted “aye” as against 12 “no’s” for a new county jail costing $90,000 but the motion failed, a majority of the court membership, or 25 favorable votes, being the legal requirement for the appropriation.

The motion for a new jail, to replace the antiquated structure in Blountville, built 42 years ago, was offered by Dave Barger of Blountville, attending the court for the first time as new member succeeding the late H. H. Massengill.

“We look with scorn upon nations that treat their war prisoners cruelly, yet we treat our own civil prisoners here in Sullivan county as though they were animals,” said Barger. “The present jail is a disgrace to the county. We stand indicted before every grand jury of the county for many years and before the citizens of the county.”

George Barger of Kingsport who again led the opposition against the jail appropriation said: “If there are escapes at the jail, it is not on account of the jail being inadequate. It’s somebody’s fault in letting them get away.” To this Dave Barger replied: “‘Why, they have dug their way out of the jail with a Spoon!”