Blountville Land Granted for Jail

Deed to Blountville

This indenture made this Eleventh day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & ninety two between James Brigham of the county of Sullivan & Territory of the United States South of the River Ohio of one part & John Anderson George Maxwell & Richd Gammon Commissioners of the county and territory aforesaid of the other part witnesseth the said James Brigham hath given to Sullivan county the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged hath and by these presents doth grant alien enfeof and confirm unto the said commissioners or their successors heirs or assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land containing thirty acres be the same more or less lying and being in the county of Sullivan Beginning at a white oak thence north sixty eight east forty poles to a stake thence south thirty five and a half East eight poles to a stake then south four West one hundred poles to a stake on said Brigham’s old line thence along the same West twenty eight poles to a stake thence a straight line to the beginning containing 30 acres of land to be vested in the aforesaid John Anderson George Maxwell & Richard Gammon Esquires commissioners &c to erect a court House prison & stocks on for the Sd. county also to lay off the plan for a town for the benefit of said county with all and singular the woods waters water courses profits commodities hereditaments & appurtenances whatsoever to the Sd Tract of land belonging or appertaining and the reversion & reversions remainder remainders rents & issues thereof & all the estate right title interest property claim and demand of him the Sd. Jas. Brigham his heirs
&c of in & the same & every part and parcel thereof in law or equity to have and to hold the sd thirty acres of Land with appurtenances unto the sd Commissioners or there successors heirs & assigns against the lawfull title claim & demand of all and every person or persons whatsoever shall & will warrant & forever defend these presents In witness whereof the sd James Brigham hath hereunto set his seal the day and year above written

Signed sealed & delivered
in the presence of } JAMES BRIGHAM (Seal)

Sullivan County 1st day of December session 1792 Within deed
was acknowledged in open court by Jas. Brigham Sept 6th day 1793
then Regs.