An Act for Appointing the Place of Holding Courts of Pleas and Quarter Sessions in the County of Sullivan.
Whereas the division of Sullivan county hath rendered the usual place of holding courts unequal in distance to a number of the inhabitants of said county:
I. Be it Enacted by the General Assembly of North Carolina and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Joseph Martin, James M’Neil, John Duncan, Evan Shelby, Samuel Smith, William King and John Scott, be appointed commissioners, and they are hereby impowered [empowered], or a majority of them, to fix upon the most centrical or convenient place to the inhabitants of said county, for building and erecting a court house, prison and stocks for the use of the same, and all subsequent courts shall be constantly held by the justices thereof, on the second Mondays in March, June, September and December, and the justices of the county of Sullivan are hereby authorised [authorized] and impowered [empowered] to hold the first court in the said county of Sullivan at the house of Joseph Cole, and that the justices for said county of Sullivan shall and may have full power and authority to adjourn themselves to any other convenient place in said county, until such time that a court house, prison and stocks shall be built for said county, and then all causes, matters and things depending in said court, and all manner of processes returnable to the same shall be adjourned to such court house.
II. Be it Enacted by the authority aforesaid, That so much of a former Act as tends to the building and erecting a court house, prison and stocks in the county of Sullivan, is hereby repealed and made void as if the same had never been made.